Every journey is a story so ... I write. I share. I blog. I smile.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The power of forgiveness

Blogging is such a great way to speak up your mind about everything and that is something I'm about to do.

Just two days ago at work, while taking calls (hehehehe) I read in CNN.COM a story of a man who had killed a pastor's wife and put the pastor in great psychological disability. But what caught my attention the most is the other side of the story, the story of how the daughter of the victim forgive the suspect. Many for sure will ask how can you forgive the person who killed your loved ones and shattered your family? But Rebecca Nicholson (daughter of the victims), DID. Forgiveness may be easy to read, easy to describe but actually it is such a hefty word, that's hard to do in action.

According to the article Rebecca was only 10 years old then when the incident happened now she's 41 yrs/old. For some if this happens to them for sure it will be hard for them to find forgiveness and offer it to the person who had done something wrong to you. But what so specially with this story is on how Rebecca already forgive Harris (Rebecca's parents killer) dispite of the effects of the killings done to her family, you could say that its really a tragic. However Rebecca didnt live in pain and darkness as she never kept any hatred against Harris, but she had given him her forgiveness, forgiveness that free her from any anxiety, worries and stress, she is even blessed.

The September 11, Sunday mass' homily is about forgiveness, Gospel of Mt 18:21-35 discussed forgiveness. Its says, Peter approached Jesus and asked him, "Lord, if my brother sins against me, how often must I forgive? As many as 7 times?" Jesus answered, I say to you not even seven times but seventy-seven times. Wow isnt it too much? Actually not as the Lord God had forgave us of our sins so who are we not to throw forgiveness to people who hurt, sin against you or worst did something horrible. Furthermore this attitude not only blesses the oppressor but more to you as it gives you peace of mind, pure happiness and the fact that you listened and kept on listening to God's words.

Well what am I trying to say here.... probably as much as you can forgive, forgive, forgive and you will be forgiven too when its time for you to forgive.

Thank you for your time...

itsmejackie c",)

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