Every journey is a story so ... I write. I share. I blog. I smile.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


As of this writing today is MAY 1, and this date marks the labor day here in the Philippines. Labor can sometimes be spelled as Labour. But what does labor day really means? Literally this could mean two thing the first one is that is the day when a woman who is about to give birth to a child and who is already in labor, so it means she is in her labor day, eheh but seriously... well no, i'm not saying though that giving birth is not serious I just probably need to rephrase that.... the other meaning of labor day here in the Philippines as per wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_the_Philippines) in Filipino it's Araw ng mga Manggagawà, Celebrates workers. The first Labour Day celebrations were held in the Philippines on May 1, 1903 in a mammoth rally in front of Malacañan Palace staged by the Union Obrera Democratica (Democratic Laborer's Union), while pressing for workers’ economic rights.

Labour day is an event that pertains to all the workers here in the Philippines, whether you have a white or blue collar or even no collar jobs. As long as you are working here and that you know that you are fighting evenly to have a good life to your self or your family with  the job that you have. That you pay your taxes fairly and honestly. Being an OFW, factory worker, a construction worker, a jeepney driver, a crew, office stuff, policemen, teacher, administrator, manager and whatever your job is I believe this is your day, labour day.

Unfortunately thou not everyone are lucky to have a stable or high paying work, some are not getting regularize like those who are working in food chain company not because they did something wrong that forfeits them to be regularized but because is part of their contract so these companies will avoid paying benefits to their people. In good point thankfully these companies provide work but sadly its not enough, that government should seriously take a look at this procedure and have it change that will benefits not only the company but their workers as well. In addition, as far as I know regular jobs like constructions, carpentry, welding, crew gets a good pay outside the Philippines, that they are being given importance that's why more Filipinos are taking the risk to work abroad despites all the peril. A pertinent action is really needed to be done here by the government and the companies.

Different stories and pitiful experiences evolves labor day, some are old some are new, some are being resolved but most are not. There's a fight for wage increase and to decrease the essentials prices. A fight for work security and equality. Basically just the fight to have more jobs in the Philippines, jobs that will aleviate the conditions of the workers and the Philippine's economy. Thou the government seems to work on these issues but they need to work more.

This day is also my day, because I do work at isa rin akong manggagawa, Manggagawa ng bansang Pilipinas! I may be had a good paying job but that doesn't excuse me from being part of what the ordinary "Juan dela Cruz" are fighting for, freedom from poverty, freedom from corruption, freedom to choose a good job and freedom to have a better life for myself and my family. There are lot of things needed to be considered and that's needed a keen attention. For sure as of the moment there are rallies being done every where, to get the attention of the big companies and government to hear their plies. This will for sure going to be a long fight, a big fight, a never ending cycle. 

Good thing thou about this day is that the hardwork, perseverence, willingness and high-spirited individuality of workers is also being noticed, appreciated. Stories of triumph and success is being shared that gives inspiration to others, iba talaga ang galing ng Pinoy. Kahit gaano man kahirap ang gawain kinaya, kinakaya, kakayanin.

I am thankfully that I got the job i have right now, and even thou I have work today thou its should be holiday.. I am double pay.. yaahhooooo eheh. Well, I do personally hope and pray that everyone will find their own as well.

Have a blessed labor day, enjoy your job and keep it.

P.S. Everything in here are all based on the opinion of the writer. 

itsmejackie c",)

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