Every journey is a story so ... I write. I share. I blog. I smile.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Mt. Sicapoo where the Penguin awaits

Mt. Sicapoo done with pride and honor. The plan to climb this mountain has been settled as early as February. I've personally read blogs, stories, viewed some photos for me to know about Sicapoo but nevertheless being there personally is so much different from just reading it. Before anything else let me first share the mountains we need to complete here before we could say that we fulfill mount Sicapoo climb.. Mt Saulay; Balbalitok, Balbalite, Pakpako, Mataluidong, Sicapoo, Timarid, and Simagaysay.

@Penguin, Mt. Sicapoo  ;)
A month ago June 5, Thursday when our trip started by meeting up at the Farinas Terminal at Sampaloc Manila about @1800H, however the bus didn't leave til about 2030H so while waiting we ate first our dinner nearby but as soon as the bus leave we off to snooze zone, as we are all tired from our own personal activities and work. The bus trip took us about 8-9hours travel, if I can remember had 3 stop overs. We reached the land of Ilocos at about 0600 and a jeepney is waiting for us to bring us to the next destination, but before that we had breakfast first at Solsona Poblacion, register at PNP station and had a quick last buy at the market and off we go to jumpoff (Brgy. Manalpac), we also gave visit to tata Emilio. There we also met our 3 guides... sir Jaime, Darwin o Daryl haha I'm not really sure and Jerry.

And the long walk officially begun

June 6, Friday As everyone is ready and packed, as always our journey starts with a simple prayer. Our trek begun with a looong walk going to Gasgas river that walk already took our strength but when we came to river crossing well we have to be awake and alert as during that time we were informed that there's a typhoon coming so we have to be more extra careful. At first glimpse you will be owed and amazed on the amazing rock formations, stones beautifully piled, water flowing freely, river crossing is fun and tiring too after crossing If I'm right 14 times... furthermore it helps to cool down our tired body from the heat however as we do it again and again going in and out of the water that somehow makes things difficult as our back packs are getting wet and adding weight to what we already have. Words need not to speak to say what we feel our actions are louder than words.

Along the Gasgas river we had our lunch at Parpar Creek Camp in which it was already like I believe 2 or 3 pm so I guess its no longer lunch... well we rested for a while and back to our feet moving on again as kuya Jaime told us we need to move fast coz the rain is coming and its getting dark. While in the middle of these rocks, trees, cold water we had a sudden change of itinerary for safety reason and there's nothing we can do but to obliged. So we took the trail, it was a 3 hours ascend hike, its already raining that added burden to our sunken body. Thankfully we reached Camp Saulay where we spent our first night, had dinner, socials but unfortunately a limited supply of empilight, ending.. early light outs eheheh

First night @Mt. Saulay
Next day June 7, Saturday call time is 2am but we pulled out already at 3, nice job guys... had breakfast, break camp... then off  we go to Junction only to find out that again we have to change plan, since we are already a bit behind the sched our guide just suggested to take the Penguin the next day by starting at the break of dawn so we could reach the peak early morning and we could return back with still light above up. So with that changes we just spent the whole day at Junction sleeping, teasing, laughtrip, sleeping, eating, teasing, sleeping, with just a Nalgene of empilight... it was a hayahaay day, literally preparing our body for the grueling hike the next day eheheh. I believe our decision not to push thru this again is a good one as during this day the thick fog covered the whole mountain as it was already zero visibility

After the hayahaay day, June 8,Sunday I guest waiting and being patience pays in return as we had a good weather, its not that hot, its not raining, had a good view of the surrounding and trail. Wow it was a perfect trail going to Mt. Sicapoo, along we've passed Mt. Pakpako and Matalindong. In everystep Im getting closer to the top but still minding the beauty that surrounding me,getting surprised on the hidden gems behind those trees above the pavement. As of this writing I could still remember how luscious the moss grasses are, lots of wild animals and flowers, oh  I mean insects, mushrooms are all over and limatik are present too. Me, kap Isko and kap Mel are maybe at the tail we made sure thou that we had a striking 360 degree view of mother nature wonderful creation, breathtaking landscape. After 7 hours of trekking atlast we've reached what we came for, the peak of Mt. Sicapoo where the famous penguin awaits.  

see how the fogs cover us...
hayahaay day, under the tarp coz its raining

advance team.. eh di kayo nah, U already!!!!

way to and up the Penguin

Bob, Omie bear, Tikboy..made it too

Even from afar we could already see the majestic natural sculpture of Penguin, where the rest of the team awaits... while we are there we had our lunch, took pictures, a lot of pictures, mesmerized at the beauty of the nature, let the thick fog embrace us and be felt deep down our bones. I am so thankful and grateful that even at the first attempt I've successfully reach the summit of Mt. Sicapoo with the great team, great people. there is no such dull moment. Minding that we still have to trek back another 4-5 hours so as much as we would like still to stay, we have to start descending. With the same group "the Tail group" this time with kap Neil we trekked back to the campsite. This time since the sun is already up, the trail that we took during the dawn explode right before us that's when we also saw how dangerous at the same time beautiful the path we took that at just one wrong move.. eeeeeeeeeee good bye to you. Hail to the Lord that guide us through.When we reached back to campsite after we ate our Lunner (lunch + dinner) we all fall asleep and woke up already the next day.

Last day June 9, about to descent back to the land... everyone stood at 0400 prepare out and break camp. But wait there's more you thought that reaching the summit of Mt. Sicapoo our challenge is over, ahahah my goodness, we still have to complete two more moutains to complete the 8 peaks, are the Mount Timarid and Simagaysay. These two may gave us out of breath moments but doing a 360 degree turn to see the full view of the range, aaahhhh that's more of the out of the breath moment. Every where I land my sight there are lots and lots and lots of sea of clouds, like ammm I still on Earth.... ahahahah!  After though these last two.... ammm our walk is still far from over as we still have to do a lot of  ups and down the hill as if we took the Batulao trail 10 times. It may look fun and easy but its not... its so tiring, probably for me plus there's rain and zero visibility, ahahah AGAIN SAFETY FIRST there are moments we need to stop and made sure everything is clear before we continue on as both sides of that narrow trail danger and even death is waiving at us. I actually skid like 11 times it is really slippy and muddy, and thanks Dadi O for being at tail with and  for having your skid moments too, which he had 7 aahahahahahah.

Up to Mt. Timarid and Simagaysay

Duhat, all mine..ihihihih
 At the end of this what we thought a non-stop gruelling walk is this so wide, humongous, crazy Plateu that's the first time I saw such kind that I thought it can only be seen in movies... there are cows moving freely, eating grasses and along the way are trees of duhat that we took advantage off I got a handful and brought home some that I put inside my Nalgene.Our last stop is also our first stop, the house of tata Emilio. We had a good lunch, took a bath, shared out stories, experiences, feelings, had a few bottle as a reward and ended the climb with immediate post climb....even thou there are changes of plans and moves the schedules I guess its better rather that outing our left in danger and getting out alive and complete of that mountain, I could say its a two thumbs up! On my next Major climb, hope to be with this people again.

the crazy Plateu

Last part.. preparing , last lunch at tata Emilio's, group pix, a quick tour and off course got a bite of Ilocos Empanada

Thanks to the Atungal baka oink-oink team 
            kap Isko aka Atungal baka 
            kap Hommer aka Hommer tumbong
            kap Mel aka boy hilab
            kap Chet aka Chet limatik
            kap Ren aka kap Wag aahhh
            kap Neil aka testing lang
            kap John as John duket
            kap Omeng aka habol dapa 7x
And yours truly Jac aka Jac dapa 12x

ahahahahah such a weird but funny names, that makes us even more unique, a climb I wouldn't forget, I days I'll surely remember, people that marks on me that despite of bad weather we were able to make it, no one is feeling like a "don" , everyone knows their responsibility and for showing concerns to each and everyone.. They are my 8 roses!

Also, thanks to our guides sir Jaime, Daryl and Jerry. Tata Emilio and to his wife for welcoming us and allowing us to enter your house. 

P.S. before you hit this make sure you are mentally, physically and body prepared...that's a no joke!

Ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wild enough
To keep me from you....  Mt. Sicapoo....Done with pride!

Thank you Lord for good  health and safety.

And the magic continued in Mt. Sicapoo.. thanks Dadi O  : P

Pix courtesy of everyone..Thanks guys

itsmejackie   c",)

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