Every journey is a story so ... I write. I share. I blog. I smile.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Mt. Maranat / Maraat stories continues...

Either in group or by solo you can reach the range of Mt. Maranat... with a lot of sweat ahahahah as this maybe only ranges to probably 850+ MASL still do not under estimate the trail of this mountain specially the last part, the trail leading to campsite where the nipahut of tatay Nestor stands. I've been going back and forth into this range but I may say this still gives me "out of breath" moment, literally. However that doesn't matter when you know that the place you'll be ending up to is a "paradise".

A lot is now discovering this luscious, wonderful, packed of adventure range (like river crossing, bouldering, caves exploration, fallsineering...) here a lot are falling in love with it, well who wouldn't? Mt.Maranat has now become a home to many that almost every week they are there other even stays there for a week, even a month just to relax, unwind, be with friends and tatay Nestor, or just simply be with nature.

I've taken the trail of this mountain in solo a number of times, and when I'm alone sometimes I do not stop and look around for the desire to reach the campsite as soon as possible. But then just recently along the way something caught my attention that I had to stop and take a look at it. It is still small, color red plant,  then when I looked at it its just a pineapple... there is not only one but quite a few. Then I've realized ah it's been a while that "I haven't seen this place", I do not tarry to take a quick look around, most of the times my head is bowed down looking on my steps. Then something hit me, there's been some changes happened and from that day on even thou I've seen, taken pictures in it as my background, I'll gonna make sure that I'll take a few moments to look up and down, side to side mesmerizing myself with its beauty.

Climbing Mt. Maranat is not just for the sake of climbing it but its always with a purpose, a purpose to learn and to save. Learn from mother nature about caring and protecting  it for the sake of every one. Tree planting, clean up drive are being requested to those who are climbing as saving the Sierra Madre even just a part of it eventually (and hopefully) it will save the whole. Unfortunately illegal logging and coal mining is getting worst. As this issue already been heard, read, reported that Sierra Madre where Mt. Maranat is a part off, deforestation have become a big and looooong issue and still continues on... DENR, local and national government for sure were constantly being reminded of this.. however this will gonna be a long process.

Mt. Maranat, the only mountain I've set my feet on more than 10 times in just one year.. is also a home to few mountaineers. To some its just an ordinary mountain to climb to, just a normal place to visit but for us, for me.. who's been going back and forth to this place we've really fallen in love with, we do really care for it, we want to protect it. Probably we people not only those who do climb, or do traveling needs to be more aware, more conscious, and more responsible to help out in saving the mother nature.

Nipa hut of tatay Nestor, at the campsite

We have to work on this, Yes WE!

P.S. I would like to let you know that the "Kapatiran" is not collecting any fee if you wish to go there. If you need guide and if a that moment we are on the area we will be glad to guide you thru and even tour you up to the falls. However, if you are already in Licao and can't find any to help you out, you can go at the store of kapatiran located at the bilyaran and look for kap Edwin and ask if he can guide you. But if he's not there or for some reason he can't accommodate you, you can go to the barangay and look for kap Bong, you can negotiate with them whatever the end of your conversation with him, JUST TO TELL YOU WE DO NOT HAVE A CONTROL OVER with them. 

As we give visit to this mountain and to the mountain as well as always we bring with us the Respect, Love, Care and Concern to mother nature by making sure that we do not leave any trash along the trail.

Wishing to see you in the trail and bump you at the top!

To save is better then to kill, this does not only refers to human but to all living diversity.

Thank you for dropping by.

itsmejackie  c",)

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