Every journey is a story so ... I write. I share. I blog. I smile.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Mt. Batulao via Toong Trail: A New twist

Just right after the dangerous rockies

After a number of times of setting schedule after schedule but then cancelling it, atlast I was able to make time to set foot on to this new trail of Mt. Batulao, the Toong Trail. This trail was just newly made by a friend sir Jassim and sir Kokoi and some of the locals of Mt. Batulao. It was early February when the trail was just opened to selected people, however I was not able to make it due to sched conflict but nevertheless our trek there this last weekend for sure was great as theirs. Toong trail was said to be studied and planned since 2011, WOW! four years in the making but I guess its worth it... it was tiring, scary but definitely challenging, not for someone who have fear of heights nor who have a weak heart, but then if you would like to challenge your self then this is a must. 

This all started morning of March 22, @0730 directly from work, me and Joshy one of the participants met up at a bus terminal in Pasay Taft MRT took of San Agustin bus bound to Nasugbu Batangas and we get off at evercrest. After a few minutes some of the team came, while the others are still on their way thou but we didn't waste time so we pushed on first to peak 8 of Mt. Batulao and just waited the rest there. By 3pm everyone are all in, a prayer was said and started our way taking the Toong trail. Since the trail is new a guide is mandatory that can be asked via tatay Rusty at peak 8.

 On the first 40 minutes it was a challenging descent, as there is still no establish trail yet you would literally swing from one bamboo to another to hold on if not you might just see your self rolling down. Then we reached the e-camp, however we didn't stop there as we have to move fast so we could reach the rockies before dark, so we continued on until we reach the camp site 2, that's were we rested for about 10 minutes. When I was finding a place to sit I didn't saw that there's a log on my foot when I did it was already late so my initial reaction was to skip on it but unfortunately I ended up twisting my left foot good thing its not that bad I could still stand and walk with it. However I could say it was a blessing in disguise as one of the local friends who also became our guide took my bag and carried it all the way to camp Telmo, so somehow I had an easy climb. You may not be able to read this but still Kuya George (of Mt. Batulao), THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!

Along the way we had so much fun, lot of teasing, laughing, story telling... all in all it was a great trek. The trail it self will left your spirit and excitement up. Focus and alertness is needed specially when we reached the danger zone. Then here comes a strong gust of winds that could literally blow you off, making it more hard but fun. Danger is just waiting to happen, but in God's guidance we're all safe. In addition, without knowing I have reached the peak of Susong dalaga, well surprisingly that's an additional to my list then.

I could say and I guess everyone will agree the highlights of this climb is at the rockies, its a rock climbing in a dangerous way, having with that kind of wind that could bang you on the wall or strip you off falling down the mountain that make it more exciting. However always thinking of safety first, off course we had a safety rope. It was only a small part probably 5-6 steps going up but the danger is big enough to put you to your last day. But then we all moved on, meaning we are all safe. We have passed one of the danger zone. 

The rockies, "One miss you die"


 As the night is starting to come down darkness is starting to envelop us but good thing were just near our destination, so we started hitting on our headlamps. Then in about a little past 1900 we've safely reached the camp Telmo where tatay Telmo is waiting. As we are all hungry the boys started to cook for our dinner. Even with just canned foods, maling, talong and hot rice we all eat together filling up our empty stomach, and that's a good meal. After we eat we tried to pitch our tent but no tent stood against the angry wind. Unfortunately my pole was even broken, probably its telling me, its time to buy a new one..hmmm I'll gonna think about that eheheheh. Well very nice tatay Telmo just offered his hut for us to sleep on. So we didn't bother putting on our tent. So we just went inside and off course end the day with socials, socials, socials... but this is not just ordinary socials as it was a interactive socials, sharing thoughts and ideas for everyone to pounder on.  And before 12 strikes its light off. Goodnight! Wake up call 0700.

Again, wake up call at 0700, had a breakfast, continued on our journey. We hit on the road by 0800 going to Toong River, or also known by its old name Pasong Hapon, as it was the hidding place of Japanese people before. The trail is not that hard as the first day its more of a luxury walk of ascent and descent. We also passed a wide fields of sugar cane, in which by this time it was already being harvested. Then after about 2 1/2 hours we reached the river, had lunch and relaxed our selves in that cold and flowing water of river. At almost 1400 we went on its time to go home. We had our last stretch of gruelling assault, walk under the hit of the sun and finally our last landmark... highway at Bayabasan it's also where the jump off to Mt. Talamitam.

Oh I guess I haven't mentioned yet but this Toong trail goes out to the jump off of Mt. Talamitam, it will be possible and if still not yet tired hikers can continue on taking the Mt. Talamitam, but its just optional. Finding on this new trail for sure is a great fulfilling, giving new options and challenges to the hikers. It is just being hoped and wish that this will not be abused and shouldn't taken for granted. 

Mt. Batulao via Toong Trail DONE! Mt. Makiling and Mt. Natib you are next in line then I'll be good. I wonder who will fulfill it for me. But then kap Jass thank you for this great climb, thank you for pushing this according to my sched, its so nice climbing with you again. Furthermore, thank you as well to the great asses who've been with us on this climb, one big salute!

Sun starting to say good night...

panoramic view

WARNING: danger both in left and right, respectively

im just so small in this big world

vein snake at Toong trail

Toong River 

Godbless. til my next entry, til my next climb!

Give your self something to challenge on, not to impress others but to impress and uplift your self.



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