Every journey is a story so ... I write. I share. I blog. I smile.

Monday, July 1, 2013


Last June 23, 2013 Sunday, normally by his time I am at the top of the mountain with co-hikers and friends but during that week I was out of the mountain trail and I'm on the race track/RUN. For the second time I was able to join the WORLD VISION RUN 2013 in the benefits of WV's sponsored children. This was my 2nd WV run, its a run for cause.. to sponsor and give chance to our indigent students to be able to go to school and to make sure that they'll be able to finish it.  It was my first time to run a 10k, I was only running 3k before then I jumped to 10K drastically....it was tiring but for sure fulling thankfully I finished the race/run strong. 

I started the race bad because when I arrived it was already gun start so I was in hurry to deposit my bag at the baggage counter for me to be able to meet up with other 10k runners. Due to the event I was not able to do warm and I sprint so fast to catch up with the rest of the group, so even before I ran the 1st K my feet is already freaking tired I thought I'll going to writhe, fortunately not I was able to make it. Thankfully with great determination and  perseverance I was able to catch up with other 10k runners and passed some of them... And I've made it to the finish line with the time race of.... 1:27:25... eheheh 

With the Mission of Helping more Filipino Children, more importantly that even though we the runners ran are tired but at the end of the finish line we knew that we were able to help. Hence, if running will let me help others even in small way then let's run more not only with WORLD VISION but probably with other RUN FOR A CAUSE as well. 

Running alone have good and bad sides (which I did by the way), bad in a way that you don't have friends to join you in your journey, or to laugh with you while on the trail or to be your buddy/watch out in case of accident (but good thing there are ambulance). The good side thought is that running alone is you have the control of your phase, you don't have to worry of leaving someone behind, you are focus  and .. and ... and.. well I just that's it... eheheheh. 

Right now I'm getting addictive to this activity and since I had met my goal to run 10k, I might run 21k next time but before that I have to prepare for it, I don't want to tumble down or sprain my ankle coz I'm not prepared and more importantly I wanna make sure that I'll going to finish what I've started.  

Running is so much fun specially if you know the reason you are running and its for a good cause... However at the end of the race I say PAHINGE NG SALON PAAAAAAASS!!!!! Eh este til the next run care to join... eheheh c",) — at World Vision Run 2013, BGC 9th Ave 26th St.

Singlet and runner # 2732

Early to rise to prepare
This is where it all began

Finish Line

with coach Rio of runrio


Program after, sadly I didn't won any raffle prizes

CONGRATULATIONS WORLD VISION and to all its organizers. More Power til the next RUN.


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