Every journey is a story so ... I write. I share. I blog. I smile.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

The People of my 2013

What is this list for? What this contains? This blog will carry the names of the people that made my 2013 remarkable.This will be the first time I'll be doing this list and I hope I can give justice to it.. eheheheh

For sure there are many people that came my way, I've met a lot, I've seen a lot but only few made a tremendous mark in my life. They made me smile, made me happy, some made me cry but still im glad meeting them. And they are the one who made my list of "The People of my 2013".

Knowing a lot of people, spending time with them, sharing moments and stories..and at the end of the day stayed with me.

1) Mommy Mila- a loving, responsible, workaholic, caring and high spirited person, my mom. Thou sometimes she's moody and grumpy probably because of her age (hehehe) but that's understandable. Still I know through thick and thin she'll always be there for us. Love you Mom!

Mommy Mila
 2) bez Quel - Raquel liza aguilar, we've been bestfriends since our second year high school until now so that makes our friendship living for 17 years. Thou  I admit we are not perfect we fought, we've been separated, there were times that with don't communicate at all its bec we're busy in our own world. Moreover we are also not a clinging persons that we really have to be always together to say that we are bestfriend. What we know is that if we need each other we will always be there.
Me and Bez Quellie

3) Jonh Paul Acuña- aka jp, thou sometimes I call him boi or panget for no any offensive reason. We've known each other for 10 years now, we started as officemates, then since we have the same like of traveling we became travel buddies, then when I started climbing we also became climbing buddies. We've been together to different places, climbed and reached the mountain top and still looking forward for more. Our friendship became stronger because of fights we fought over, and sometimes we still fight as he's always late in our meeting time.
   Sadly right now Jp is fighting over colon cancer, sickness that making him weak, just thankfully that he's still positive about life, with that it influences me to be happy and thankful. Im praying and wishing that a miracle happen and he gets better.

climbing/travel/kumpare buddy JP and Me

4) Tatay Nestor of Maranat, I only got to know this man when I was invited to climb mt. Maranat, and I guess it is not a coincidence but there's a good reason that i met him, and I could say that it is such a great moment and feeling knowing him. Not that I only found a father figure at him but he is someone who is nice, fighter, a nature lover and preserver. He do take care of us when we are with him at  his nipa hut at top even thou we dont have any blood relationship he welcomes us with open arms. He is also a good father, a husband, comrade and friend. And also by the way I also got to know his youngest son, Justine, since then I treat Justine as my younger brother too. Thank you Tatay Nestor.

w/ bunsong Justine

with Tatay Nestor

5) Jemrell - more known as Isko. He's a man of dignity, principle, responsible, caring and love for the country. Also a man with No time. In fairness to him because of his outlook in life, as he had done outreach programs that opens me and a lot of friends... to the opportunity to help out as well, even thou we both started knowing nothing any idea of each other but because of one objective we are now at the same page. Thou there was a lot of misunderstanding between us, more than just being friends right now we are at the same group the TAGOT with the same hope and mission to help our indigent brothers and sisters specially the native ones.

at Maranat w/ Crazy Isko

6) The Katutubos..the mangyans of mindoro , the dumagat and aetas.. as these people open up my mind at the real situation of their slam and forgotten world. With this event it reminds me to be thankful of what I have but never to turn my back on them, to help them as much as I can.  We can.

<<  Aetas of Cawag, Subic Zambales  and Sito Dueg, Maasin, San Clemente Tarlac >>

Mangyans of Oriental Mindoro

7) Eve and Adah these two gals I've just met late this year are two of the people that helped me during my low times. They became my allies and shoulders to cry out my pain but most specially they became my outdoor buddies ...that helped me out to go on in life. As what the saying goes, its not how long you've been together but how you were together. I'm just happy that two more girls were added on my list and I Hope they'll stay as my good friends.

With my Pretty gals Eve & Adah and Me (from left)

How about you who made your list?

I wish new names will be added on my 2014 list.

Thanks to these people. Thanks everyone. Thank you  Lord for all the opportunity.


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