Every journey is a story so ... I write. I share. I blog. I smile.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Mt. Balingkilat...A lovely Punishment

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Our climb to Mt. Balingkilat, located in Subic, Zambales is something that I wouldn't forget...AS IN I WILL NOT. Well once again my climbing buddy/friend JP invited me to another climb as requested by another friend sir Jojo as a preparation for his Mt. Apo climb in January, now even before I get details or check what mountain will be up to I already found myself saying Yes, since its been a while that me and JP climbed together and before he gets mad I reserved the Nov. 9-10 date for that climb. 

The next day when I already have access to the net I immediately checked and reviewed the mountain that we'll be climbing and I was shocked when I found out about it. Mt. Balingkilat, literally the "Mountain of Thunder" in the native Aeta language, is at 1300 MASL one of the highest peaks in the Zambales Coastal Mountains. Just basing on the pictures I saw the place is so beautiful, breathtaking, perfectly created. Then I read some articles and blogs that contains the details of the said mountain, what got my attention the most is the hours of trek plus the direct assault of the trail and on how the hikers took the excruciating heat from the sun since there are no trees and shades to hide to. Nevertheless that didn't stopped me as my excitement even get much furious.

Unknowingly there will be a super typhoon coming that is said to hit the Philippines on weekends which is our climb date, that gave us a second thought, as always in mountaineering "safety first" no matter what but still we didn't lose hope, we monitored the weather and kept on updating each other. We also made a follow up with sir Juanito, the chieftain of the Aetas in Cawag if it will be safe for us to climb or not. We are praying and anticipating on were typhoon Yolanda will bring us. Here comes Saturday, the sky is still a bit gloomy with scattered rain showers but we got a good news from sir Juanito that we can actually climb. Yeeeeeesssss!!!!! Our spirits went on rooooaaaarrrrr.. aaahahahahahahah. That night Nov. 9 @ 8:50pm we board Victory liner bound to Olonggapo then we'll just take another bus to bring us to Subic. 

We've reached the Subic Police station at a little past 1200 to register and submit a letter of intent... then sir Juanito picked us up and brought us to Cawag to register again and pay the registration fee of P60.00. At exactly 0130 we started the trek with our guide kuya George (which is by the way is mandatory). We started the trek at dawn to escape the heat of the sun and in that way we can reach the top faster. However that didn't happen as Jp's asthma attacked so we have to slow it down making sure that no one will be left behind besides the peak will not go anywhere and will patiently wait for us. We just do a medium phase, at first since its still dark we could only appreciate the silhouette image of the mountain range that enveloped us and just minding the next step to make in the dark trail. We had our first long rest in Kawayanan to give Jp, and actually all of us a time to catch our breath, we rested for about 30-40minutes and I even fell asleep since I don't have sleep yet before that climb.

When we get back on our feet it was already 0300, being a bit behind our sched so we push on faster still keeping an eye on each other as we reach the top. As the sun rises the beautiful luscious scene is slowing revealing it self welcoming us to its kingdom, then at the same time the sun is also starting to warn that its gonna be a sunny climb. We had our breakfast  at 0630 and went back on track by 0700, on our way up , there are lots of stories shared and created, events that is so unforgettable and laughtrip that made our ascend easy. As I've mentioned in the first part that this is a climb that I wouldn't forget  aside from the fact that this Mountain of Thunder's trail will challenge you mentally and physically, if you are someone who have a fear of heights, well better think twice. I don't have fear of heights but here is were I had my close call to my last moment, as I climbed a tree there to take pictures when all of a sudden the branch that I was stepping on broke and I fell from it that is just besides the edge, good thing I was able to cling my arms on it, if not you wouldn't probably be reading this. After that heart stopping moment we continued on and once you are half way there the ascend is getting steeper and dangerous as it is almost in its 90' angle with just one wrong move or losing your balance will bring you down the hill. We may have felt already the hit of the sun but that didn't bother us that much as the wind is so strong that cools down your body but scaringly can push you to the edge. As we go higher and higher the more we see the full view of the range that is just.... aaaaaaahhhhh, jaw dropping... scene that you wouldn't thought was only 4 hours away from the urban, its view that you would just want to stare at. Literally I was and still astonished of this greenish, rich full image that still tarry in my mind.

After gruelling hours of trekking, climbing, resting, eating, trekking, ascending we've finally reached the campsite, which is equally beautiful, big enough to hold numbers of tent. Then roughly in 15 more minutes with few more steps you'll find your self at the peak where you will have a good, complete 360' view of the landscape. Those thousands and thousands steps we made is so worth it as we set our foot on the top. I had just thought, how i wish I have an eye camera that can send live feeds of what I saw that moment I would have done that to share to you all of what we saw. We also met some french students who also spent their weekends in taking the same trail we did, rested for while then they went down. However for us, we took our lunch first around 1100 while discussing if we are still going to push thru with traverse to Nagsasa falls or head back down the same trail. But seeing the big waves from afar bothered us and kuya George fearing that there will be no bangka available or no bangkeros will allow us to cross the sea, so sadly we just decided once again due to "safety first" rule we went back using the same path going up, Nagsasa falls can wait and will be back.  At 1200 we started our descend, it is more faster but we made sure that we take our time remembering details of the range which is more of luxurious walk. Laying our foot on a flat surface tells us that our lovely punishment is over and our reward is waiting for us, as along the way we met some Aeta children and gave them candies we brought as a simple appreciation of allowing us to pass through  their properties. Seeing these kids with a smile upon receiving simple candies also put a smile on our faces and relieved our tired bodies.

Given with a beautiful weather despite of having a typhoon, fair heat of the sun, cold strong wind I could say that this trek is one of the unanticipated climbs I ever did knowing nothing about this surprising mountain I'm so happy and thankful how blessed we are and how lucky I am that I could do this.. as a matter of fact I believe aside from Mt. Maranat I would like to take this trail again to feel the thrill, the excitement of danger it brings.... so perfect! As we drove away going back home I took one last glimpse of Mt. Balingkilat remembering  the moment being on top that makes me feel hefty of them all.. ahahahahah



P.S. when I got back home and watched the late news from TV and got feeds from FB, it was only then I saw how typhoon Yolanda brought too much damaged in Visayas region my sympathy and prayers are with the victims... doing some personal things to help.. I also do hope that one day my co-Filipinos will be able to rise again facing another greenish, luscious, beautiful future. In Gods Grace. 

itsmejackie c",)

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