Every journey is a story so ... I write. I share. I blog. I smile.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Now they are....a Poor Foreigners

        Last night I was able to watched a documentary presented by REEL TIME on channel 11 GMA News TV (One of the TV channels here in the Philippines) the segment is about "DAYUHANG DUKHA" (translated as Poor Foreigners) in the Philippines. They all came here richly, happy, full of hopes and dreams, got married with Filipino women have kids and settled. Some had invested in business put all their earnings hoping that they will succeed, sadly things didn't went their way it goes another way around unfortunately bringing them to slam and poor life, a life they haven't thought they will be at.

     While watching this program I wonder if there are also Filipinos who are in the same situation as they are in the foreign land, how they are doing, were they also able to survive and does the people of that country also helps them? Well I hope so just how we show our hospitality and "bayanihan" even to strangers. I really pity these people but also at the same time I salute them that despite of what had happened to them they still have positive outlook in life and more importantly they stayed with the family that they had created here even though their Embassy can send them home... they already considered Philippines as there home where they belong. 

       Seeing indigent Filipino may be an ordinary day for us, something that we already used to but seeing these poor foreigners in the street with fellow local countrymen sleeping in the pavement, begging for foods, walking non stop, just waiting for some one to help them is unaccustomed.  Thou some of them may have house to stay, have family but you can see them working ordinarily just to have a penny to buy a food to survive the everyday. A scene that you wouldn't imagine as we all see these foreigners who lives in luxury, with lots of money, with cars, house basically everything they want but then all of a sudden their fate changed. Its no one's fault, its no one's liking but them as they were given options and that is what they choose and what the fate brings them. 
      So I wonder what's the point after all, and I thought if there are some people who were able to go up from poverty to richness there would also be some who go down from richness no matter who you are and where you came from, so as much as possible give importance to what you have and be careful of what you chose in life. More importantly I'm proud of Filipino that love, passion, hospitality and support always reigns in our heart as we share part of us to help who are in need. In addition these foreigners unabashedly faces the life they already have here and seems they will keep on moving, I hope that this mentality be captured by the Filipino for them/for us not to give up in life. 

itsmejackie c",)

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