Every journey is a story so ... I write. I share. I blog. I smile.

Friday, January 2, 2015

The People of my 2014

2014 is over and here we are now at 2015, I may say what a year it has been!

Four major climbs, number of minor climbs, solo trip to Quezon, exploration, several outreaches, stable job, happy family, sponsorship continues, some personal activities here and there and a lovelife...whew! Ive never thought I got and done all of these, well these are just part of my 2014.

Along with these activities I've met a lot of people, saw some old faces and maintain the rest. I am so thankful to the mighty Lord for all the blessings that He had given me, to all the challenges that strengthen me... But behind all of these are the people or group of people that actually thought me in this game called life.

Last year Ive started jotting down the list of people who made my year, http://itsmejackie.blogspot.com/2014/01/the-people-of-my-2013.html?m=1  and now I'm happy to do it again. For sure each and one of us have names on their minds that affects your lives whether its big or small, it can be several or just few but surely made an impact into you. And this year I got new names on the list...

These names maybe already familiar to you in one way or another, met them in the road and could have bumped into them somewhere. And for me I am thankful hitting them.

The list is at random... except for the last.

1) Patricia of World Vision- My sponsored child Ive been doing sponsorship to WV since 2008, sharing the blessings in the way I can... I may never had meet Patricia but because of her presence I am motivated to be better specially in my work coz if not she'll lose sponsorship she might stop, right now she's already in grade 7. Patricia, you as one of my inspirations, thou doesn't need to be physically here... Still thank you

2) kap Jun, Makhan, Satya and the Hare Krishna- I first met Kap Jun and Makhan way back in June 2012 during the first TAGOT's outreach, then never had a communication with them again not until February of 2013 but from then on we already have a constant communication, been to more outreach events with them, got to know them better and I was introduced further to their belief of being a Hare Krishna, which I put on my respect. Then I also met kap Satya another bald guy eheh, Being with these people and their group gives me peace and solemnity and that's why atleast once a month I join them in their Food for life program that reaches out to less brothers and share the blessings.
Hoping for doing more good deeds with you guys.

from left kap Satya, me, Dadz, Makhan, Jun

3) sir Jojo Geronimo-a.k.a sir G or simply sir Jojo... A guy, that I and some friends of mine met accidentally. We are in a bus going to Pico de Loro when this bald guy approached us and asked for our destination. When we said that we are on our way to Pico we just also ask him to go with us since he was alone. The time that we met sir G it was his come back climb, he said it was been decades since his last climb, and we are happy to climb up with him since then on we've been together to several climbs. Despite of his age, I know his proud of it, he could still cope up with the younger ones... I also admire his determination, motivation and his never ending wit, that's why for sure when you are with him there will be no dull moments.

                                                                                                            w/ sir Jojo @ Mt. Balingkilat

4) Jassim Guila-thou most call him Jass or Ja, a small guy but with a big heart. It was only mid of 2013 that I met him in Mt.Maranat, but I only sense his presence when we are already about to go home. But I guess that works coz since he's one of the last person I talked to I kinda remember him... we get to know more when he invited me in the independence walk 2013 and I joined them, having the same love for adventure & passion the rest becomes history. A small guy with a big heart and a wide mind... but sometimes just dont forget to comb your hair my brother..ahahah

w/ Jass@ Mt. Malasimbo

5) My beautifuls... Shai, Jo An, Greizy -2006 when everything started out, its been 8 years that we are friends, thou we don't see each other that much, we talk via text or facebook only.. I believe that didn't hinder us in continuing our love and friendship despite of.... I know that when we need someone to back us up or just simply to pray for us and with us these beautifuls will be the first in line. We are maybe physically far however we are emotional tied together. This year hoping for more times together. There are still more stories to tell and I can't wait to hear it. Godbless my beautifuls.

from back left Greizy, Shai. Front left Jo an & me

6) Rommel "Omeng" Sandoval- hmmmm. Ammmm...well he is.... ammmm ahahah no words to explain that's it thank you..


Last but not the least Kap Omeng, dads, a comrade to all... but he's my dadi koi, my halfmoon, my mahal... I guess that he read my blog of last year about the People of my 2013 then he wanted to be on the list too that's why he pushed himself to me..bleh bleh. We've known each for a year, met during the night trek at Maranat... But got to talk to him more only when we are going back home inadvertently we lost track, im not sure though if he did it in purpose or because he's still not familiar with the area by that time, Mims watchathink...ahahah but on the serious side thou he's not serious as he always makes a joke, bully a lot (EVEN ME!) he's still loved by many, I believe... I guess...I hope he's being admired by many in good ways in his being loving, caring, helpful, thoughtful, being strong and making them laugh with his humor.
With so many women surrounding him, for sure some showing off to him... still he saw this quiet girl at the corner and chose to be with her. Despite of our differences we manage to put them together and become one.

Dadi koi Omeng

I am just so thankful to my dadi koi for coming into mylife and adding sweetness and headache into it, thou hoping that things will be better for us, for forever, for infinity, for love and respect! Not much word, I know you already know that my love!

Thank you, gracias, tosha, salam..to each and everyone whether you are on the list or not as you became and made my 2014 memorable, lets create another fruitful year.

What a wonderful 2014 and this 2015 as everyone also pray and hope for are happiness, goodhealth for self and family, safety, some more blessings here and there.

Thank thee Father God for all the blessings, I give to you all praises and love. Be our guide and strength, Amen.

Til my next listing....

itsmejackie c",)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you din jac for being part of my 2014. It would have not been easy without angel freinds like the 3 of you.

    I want you to know that I appreciate all the txt messages and the time we spent in shai's house

    Im looking forward golden years of friendshipπŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


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