Every journey is a story so ... I write. I share. I blog. I smile.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Bicol - landia la familia

Picturesque view of Mt. Mayon

Wonderful! Great! Perfect! Amazing! Happiness! These are the exact words that could describe our recent family tour in Bacacay, Albay. This summer of 2014 the initial plan was to do an out of the country trip however my brother haven't got his passport yet so we couldn't schedule a flight, and since we are already running out of time since our mom will already have classes so we decided to just have a trip somewhere far but within the Philippines. There are lot of places we've considered and decided on, surfed on and made a research, finally it was finalized, we will go to Albay. 

Though this was already my second time to visit Albay, the land of my mother's father clan, I felt that this tour will be a different one. Indeed it is very different, not having my brother's passport on time is a blessing in disguise because the supposedly 5 person tour became an almost complete happy family tour, unfortunately our eldest sibling couldn't join us because he have work. But nevertheless there are extended families that came and joined us.

This was a 4 days and 3 nights trip, 16 hours of land drive from Manila to Albay due to traffic jam since that it was Holy week, so what do you expect almost everyone wants to get out of Manila or vice versa and take advantage of that loooong vacation. Thursday afternoon when our rented van came and our looong  trip started. After a number of stop over, eating,  neck twisting sleep or no sleep at all drive, eating again thankfully we've reached our destination safe and sound. Our day in Albay started out with a good breakfast prepared by a neighbor here in Cavite but have a house in Albay. It was a good hot sotanghon with this suman, Albay version (sorry I forgot the name, eheheh). 

When we reached Bacacay it was raining, but still that didn't stop or impede us from our activities. After breakfast we went directly to the Villa of Uncle Jose, mom's cousin and even thou we did not inform him that we will be coming he all heartedly open one room for us to use for free.. yeebbbbaaaaa and so we're able to save. We rested for hours then at the afternoon we began our tour until the next 3 days.


Breakfast and Lunch, haven't I mentioned that we did a none stop eating here.. eheheh
the hungry people. Thanks to our cook, Kuya Jomel, Jet, May and te Nheng :)

April 18, First day
 Cagsawa Ruins Park, here stands the  remaining bell tower of the sunken Cagsawa Church during the eruption of Mt. Mayon in 1814.

Just near the Cagsawa Ruins is the Daraga Church which is the said church that replaced the Cagsawa 

Also, here show cased the magnificent view of the perfect cone Mt. Mayon. Thou this didn't showed up fully still a glimpse of it will keep you saying... "wooow" .  

We also visited the Lignon Hill, were I had my first experience of zipline, Its been so long that I've been wanting to do this and it was only here I got this done only for P200.00 for a two way trip.. Since this is my first time so I made it extreme by sliding upside down.. wooohoooo.... eheheh. That price is all worth it!

the brave hearts.. me, nephew John & bro JM

                                                    We took picture at this parked AVR

April 19, 2nd day
Black sand Beach, @Sogod beach the water is so calm and warm. Having mt.Mayon around gives a natural black sands due to the ashes it gave. It was low tide then that even thou they are already far from shore this little ones can still carry on...

The swimming was ended up by taking a plunge at this cold water of Busay falls. There are actually 7 falls hidden in this forest of Malilipot, unfortunately we were not able to visit all because we came here already late and the area closes at 5pm. But Nevertheless, this is one of the highlights of our activities as even thou the people I'm with are not into hiking they still did enjoyed the partial trekking going to the falls, specially the kids. So proud of them!!


had lot of free taste from ate

And to end up the day is night market, buying of pasalubong and had our dinner in sidewalk carinderia.. ahahah .. alway game.

April 20, Last day
Before we head back home we drop off first to Hoyop Hoyopan cave, which means the sound of air coming from inside. Moreover, here lies all nature made, huge, artistic forms of stalactites and stalagmites. Our guide said that this cave during the Marcos era since Martial Law was passed parties outside are prohibited so they created a stage in the middle of cave were the people before hides and had party! In addition this cave serves also as a evacuation area during the typhoon yolanda, for people near the area

Bro made his move at the man made stage inside the Hoyop hoyopan cave.
And there he goes the gorilla climbs up.. ihihih

This cave is different from other cave I've entered as this is huge with high ceiling.. literally

After the cave exploration, thou we still don't want to but we have to... we had our stop over firs at a carinderia and had our lunch before biding goodbye to Albay.

Diffinitely one of the best outing for 2014! 

I'm so greatful spending the day with my family and love ones. Thank you Lord for this opportunity. Thank you for guiding us all through out the tour. Thank you to uncle Jose who welcomed us into his home and thank you kuya Arnel for driving safely. Looking forward for the next one.


itsmejackie c",)

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