Every journey is a story so ... I write. I share. I blog. I smile.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


This is just a short personal view about this topic... with some side story.

Mountain climbing is something that became my passion and I love to do when I started it about 4 years ago. However even thou I'm doing this for years now I could say that I am still an amateur, because honestly there are still lot of things I need to learn and I need to adopt to. Mountaineering is not just an activity it is a passion, there are lot of things that are needed to consider before climbing. Attending BMC or Basic Mountaineering Course would be a great start but if you can't attend or find one, I found this site that you can read this is by UPM, that I myself read it too. It's  http://wiki.basecampone.com/index.php?title=U.P._Mountaineers_Basic_Mountaineering_Course_1#Part_1:_Climb_Preparation.
Mountain climbing is also a good way to learn and show your love to mother nature, it could also be a way to divert your negative day into positive one and also learning from other people you'll meet is one of the bests way to learn. So many things to consider from the smallest thing to the critical ones.. well its such a continuous learning.

I just had a climb last weekend at Mt. Tagapo with friends and that's one of the best climb I had, I'm in a beautiful mountain, in a great day, with beautiful people. Had a good food, good conversation, in a perfect view.

Pictures and more articles will follow.
Good day, good bye for now....



Blog was updated March.9.2013.. Pictures uploaded

 Mt. Tagapo, Binangonan Rizal

Fun at the Trek

The group amazingly owed by the Mountain
Socials @nyt

Oh looks there's a rainbow

Inexplicable beauty as the sun rise
Enchanted by the Nature

And then a week after my friend Jp invited me for a climb since he was not able to join us at Mt. Tagapo, he wants to climb too so just 2 days before next Saturday he asked us to climb Mt. Pico. Good thing I haven't done that one yet so I immediately said yes, thankfully our Mt. Tagapo was not that hard so I still have energy then. Then here comes March 2, the scheduled climb date but as always Jp came late, how late well just 30minutes late.. tsk tsk then we still have to pick up our other companion who already waited for about more than an hour, but still joined us. Sorry Kenneth.

More than climbing meeting strangers who have the same passion as yours and them becoming your friend is such a great experience, speaking off, along the way we met a soloist, meaning a person who will climb alone... he was sir Jojo or Mr. G, we met him at the bus and became instant buddy, so the three (3) became four (4). But that doesn't stop there as we are about to reach the parrot's peak we met two more climbers and same thing we became friends too even thou that we just met but we know that we speak the same language. As the saying goes the more the merrier.

In mountaineering you will never know what to expect, so aside from your backpack make sure that you also always carry with you an open mind, brave soul and a sweet smile.    

Mt Pico de Loro, Ternate Cavite

Who cares about the hit of the sun....
Oh Yes I've reached the top of that big rock!!!

me, being a cowgirl again.. eheh

New friends sir Jo (bald), sir Marlon(scarf) & sir Cloud (behind cam) 

And oh just again to be reminded of the basic rules
     Take nothing but pictures
     Leave nothing but footprints
     Kill nothing but time

have a good weekend. Godbless!

itsmejackie c",)

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